As I sit writing this post, I am in shock that 2019 has come to an end. What an incredibly fast year. 2019 happened in the blink of an eye, but it also brought me the best times of my entire life.
I can honestly say that 2019 was the best year of my life. Back in January, I finally launched this blog, which I had talked about doing for years. It’s obviously not much, but I’m so glad I did.
February brought one of the happiest days of my life when Alex proposed! The next several months flew by in a whirlwind of wedding planning and preparations. I was overwhelmed with the amount of love that was poured out to me with the showers, parties, gifts, and help from so many friends and family members.

July was here before we knew it, and we had a fairytale wedding day that was so beautiful, and special, and perfect in every way.

Our honeymoon in St. Maarten was probably the best trip I have ever been on. The perfect weather, wonderful resort, and great food were made even better by getting to spend an entire week with my new husband.

In August we both started to learn a lot. We began to figure out how to live together and how to develop new routines. I learned how to wake up before 8:30 and Alex learned how to live with a crazy woman who loves to bake and is obsessed with the Iowa State Fair.

Our trip to Vermont in October was so much fun just relaxing with each other and enjoying God’s fall masterpieces.

Before we knew it, November was here bringing Alex’s birthday and Thanksgiving.
Now here we are on December 31st. My 28th birthday, while I whined and joked a lot about getting old and not wanting a birthday, was my best one yet. Our first Christmas married was a blast and our Christmas party was exhausting, but so much fun.
So as I look back onto 2019, I can honestly say it was the best year of my life. So much happiness, so much change, so many adventures, so much love. The best thing by far, better than all the trips and experiences, is spending every day with my best friend. Building a home and a life with him. I will forever look at 2019 as the most life-changing year. This year has brought me so much that I’m sad to see it go, but I am so excited to see what 2020 brings. Much love to you in the New Year.