Holidays, Home, Life, Tips and Tricks

How to Make Last Minute Guests Feel Like You’ve Been Expecting Them All Day

I originally wrote this post right before the worldwide pandemic hit. At the time, we had people stopping by all the time, but just as I was going to publish this post, the world shut down and having visitors wasn’t really a thing anymore! However, as we’re all getting back to “normal” life, I thought I would go ahead and post this, especially since we’re heading into the holiday season when entertaining guests seems to be at its peak!

This little bar cart is right inside my front door. It’s usually one of the first places I go to when I know someone is stopping by. I’ll turn on my diffuser, light the candle, and turn on the lamp to instantly add a warm, cozy, inviting feeling to our home.

We’ve all been there. A friend or relative calls or texts and asks if they can stop by in the next 10 minutes. You graciously say “Yes!” but then you look around your home in a panic!

Lately, Alex and I have been lucky enough to have several people stop by our house with very short notice. I know that this can cause stress and anxiety for many people, including myself, so I thought I would go over a few different things I try to do to always be prepared for unexpected guests.

  1. I love to bake. So often, I have some sort of baked good to offer unexpected guests. However, on the off chance that I don’t have something ready, I like to keep some frozen cookie dough in the freezer, so you can quickly throw them in the oven and be pulling out freshly baked cookies as your guests walk in the door! Store bought treats also work in a pinch! When guests come into a house that smells of freshly baked cookies, it will seem like you have been expecting them all day!
  2. I ALWAYS start up my diffuser when I know someone is stopping by. My favorite essential oil to diffuse is Purification by Young Living. It smells so clean and fresh and makes it seem like you’ve been cleaning the house all day! Every single person that comes into my home comments on how good it smells, and it is 100% because of the diffuser and not because of my housekeeping abilities!
  3. Lighting. Lighting can change the feeling of a space so much. First of all, turn on your porch or outside lights! It’s much more inviting to walk up to a house that has their lights on, it’s the first sign guests see that you are ready and waiting for them! Second, I like to keep just warm lights on. Our lamps, and under counter lights are my favorite. Low lighting feels much more cozy and homey than bright overhead lights. Also, light candles! Not only will they help make your house smell great, but they also give an awesome ambiance that helps your home feel cozy and inviting.
  4. Of course, sometimes the struggle is the fact that your house is just plain messy and needs picked up and cleaned. In this case, of course, I try to pick up according to how much time I have. I start in my living room, since that is the first room our guests walk into, and if I have time I’ll move to the kitchen. Always start at the point where your guests will enter and then work from there to the points of the house your guests will likely spend time (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) Close doors to other rooms such as bedrooms, laundry, etc. if you have to.
  5. Play some music! It makes a home seem so cozy when some light music is playing in the background. Of course, don’t have it so loud that conversation is awkward, just loud enough to add to the cozy and inviting atmosphere.

These are just some basic things I do when someone calls and says they’ll be over in a moment’s notice. Hopefully these tips will helps you feel confident to host those last minute guests! What do you do when someone stops by unexpectedly? I would love to hear your tricks too!

Holidays, Home

Fall Decor Tour

Can you believe it’s October? I sure can’t. Time is flying by, but the temps are feeling just a bit cooler today and I’m definitely ready for fall. One of the first things I do to break in the fall season is to decorate my home. I have had my fall decorations up for a few weeks now (even though we’ve still had our AC on), but since today is October 1st, I thought it was the perfect time to share my fall decor!

I am always switching out our throw blankets on the couch. One of the first things I do to change up the decor for the season is to add some seasonal blankets!
For fall, I often remove my candles from their pedestals and place a pumpkin on them! I think it’s such a cute way to display a pumpkin.
I usually keep a lot of my decorations pretty much the same, but just add some small seasonal items. Here, I just replaced a candle with a pumpkin on the candlestick and I swapped out my usual candle for a fall scented one.
I love this little guy. I’ve had him for years and he’s one of my favorite fall pieces.
One of my favorite things to switch out for the holiday decorating is decorative towels on my little towel ladder!
Here is another example of how the centerpiece is completely neutral, but the fall table cloth helps give it that cozy, fall feeling.
Wilma’s favorite part of new decor is fresh pillows and blankets to lounge on.
A gold pumpkin and fall candle make our ” cozy room” seem even more cozy!

Do you have your fall decor up yet? When do you normally decorate? What are your favorite decorating tips?? I would love to chat with you all about it! Happy October and Happy Decorating!