Life, Self-Improvement, Tips and Tricks

Getting That “Back to School” Feeling (Even when you’re not in school!)

How was your summer? I trust it went well for you. Mine was great. And busy. (Hence why I haven’t published a blog post in months.) Anyway, by the time mid to late August gets here, I start craving routine.

Summer is so fun and carefree. Trips and vacations, longer daylight hours, warm weather. With all the busyness, I tend to let a lot of my regular habits slide and by the time summer starts to come to a close, I’m ready to get back to it. Remember that feeling when you were in school? You’d get your new school supplies and school clothes and almost be excited to start school back up again. Or maybe you’re still in school! Either way, I think this time of year is a perfect time to reset, make some goals, change some habits, and work on improving ourselves!

One of my favorite podcasts to listen to is the Organize 365 podcast. If you listen to Lisa and are familiar with what she teaches, you know that she considers this time of year one of her “New Year’s.” She breaks up her year into three “new years” and I must say that I completely relate to that! I often feel more motivated this time of year than I do in January to start a new routine, or goal, or habit. I thought you might feel the same, so I thought I’d do a quick post about how to really get that “back to school” feeling even if you (or your kiddos) aren’t even headed back to school.

  1. Get a new planner. When I’m feeling refreshed and ready to restart I always love getting a new planner. There is something so satisfying about filling out a brand new planner. While you’re at it, revamp your schedule! I went through my regular schedule and I’m rearranging things that I think will work better for me. (Like working out in the afternoon instead of morning, etc.)
  2. Meal Plan. There is nothing that makes me feel more organized and like I’ve got it all together than meal planning. It makes it easier to make a grocery list, easier to shop, and I always end up making healthier choices!
  3. Deep Clean. This time of year always makes me want to deep clean and really get ready for a fresh start. This week so far I have deep cleaned my fridge and my pantry. (This also helps significantly when starting a meal plan too!)
  4. Set Goals and/or Make To-Do Lists. I always usually start working on goals around this time of year. Whether it’s eating healthy, working out, losing weight, finishing projects, or planning for the upcoming holidays.

I’m so excited to get into my new routine, accomplish some of my goals, and totally take advantage of that refreshing “back to school” energetic feeling I have. Do you get that “back to school” feeling? What things are you doing because of that? Or what things are you going to do to try and cultivate that feeling? I would love to read your comments about what you’re doing!


9 thoughts on “Getting That “Back to School” Feeling (Even when you’re not in school!)”

  1. I can totally relate to this! I just finished decorating and filling out my new planner for 2022. I have everything for two blog IG accounts ready to go, new posts scheduled for a third blog (I have 4 total) that I’m booking out through January on. It is the time of year when I always find myself ready to settle in to comfy sweaters, a favorite mug of coffee or tea, and really get to work and focus. Next is going to be deep cleaning and de-cluttering. The change from summer to fall always makes me want to do that stuff, and I love it.

    1. Wow Erica! You sound like you are on top of it! It sounds like so much to manage, but you must be organized!

  2. I always feel like August and September is a fresh start. Whether that means busting out a new planner like you mention, rekindling habits that I let fall to the side during summer, or just reflecting on how I want to head into the holiday months. But it’s definitely a “back to school” feeling getting organized after a few months of down time.

  3. I am soo relating to feeling like it’s “back to school” time but no longer being in school! This is only my second year out of college and it’s so weird. I am a huge fan of planners, notebooks, pens – basically school supplies, so I’m definitely going to stock up on those again anyways because they make me happy! Another thing I’m doing is trying out some new exercise classes to have something new to get better at and also meet new people!

  4. I definitely get that “back to school” feeling! I love the summer and the different schedules, but I also feel settled once we’re back in the fall routines. Meal planning has been my goal this week!

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